File Input

@sme-uploader/file-input is the most barebones UI for selecting files — it shows a single button that, when clicked, opens up the browser’s file selector.

const FileInput = require('@sme-uploader/file-input')

uploader.use(FileInput, {
  // Options

Try it live

The @sme-uploader/xhr-upload example uses @sme-uploader/file-input with the pretty option enabled.


This plugin is published as the @sme-uploader/file-input package.

Install from NPM:

npm install @sme-uploader/file-input

In the CDN package, it is available on the SmeUploader global object:

const FileInput = SmeUploader.FileInput


The @sme-uploader/file-input plugin includes some simple styles for use with the pretty option, like shown in the example. You can also choose not to use it and provide your own styles instead.

import '@sme-uploader/core/dist/style.css'
import '@sme-uploader/file-input/dist/style.css'

Import general Core styles from @sme-uploader/core/dist/style.css first, then add the File Input styles from @sme-uploader/file-input/dist/style.css. A minified version is also available as style.min.css at the same path. The way to do import depends on your build system.


The @sme-uploader/file-input plugin has the following configurable options:

uploader.use(FileInput, {
  target: null,
  pretty: true,
  inputName: 'files[]',
  locale: {

Note that certain restrictions set in SME Uploader’s main options, namely maxNumberOfFiles and allowedFileTypes, affect the system file picker dialog. If maxNumberOfFiles: 1, users will only be able to select one file, and allowedFileTypes: ['video/*', '.gif'] means only videos or gifs (files with .gif extension) will be selectable.

id: 'FileInput'

A unique identifier for this plugin. It defaults to 'FileInput'. Use this if you need to add multiple FileInput instances.

target: null

DOM element, CSS selector, or plugin to mount the file input into.

pretty: true

When true, display a styled button (see example) that, when clicked, opens the file selector UI. When false, a plain old browser <input type="file"> element is shown.

inputName: 'files[]'

The name attribute for the <input type="file"> element.

locale: {}

When pretty is set, specify a custom label for the button.

strings: {
  chooseFiles: 'Choose files'

Custom file input

If you don’t like the look/feel of the button rendered by @sme-uploader/file-input, feel free to forgo the plugin and use your own custom button on a page, like so:

<input type="file" id="my-file-input">

Then add this JS to attach it to SME Uploader:

const uploader = new SmeUploader(...)
const fileInput = document.querySelector('#my-file-input')

fileInput.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
  const files = Array.from(

  files.forEach((file) => {
    try {
        source: 'file input',
        type: file.type,
        data: file
    } catch (err) {
      if (err.isRestriction) {
        // handle restrictions
        console.log('Restriction error:', err)
      } else {
        // handle other errors