Google Drive

The @sme-uploader/google-drive plugin lets users import files from their Google Drive account.

A Companion instance is required for the @sme-uploader/google-drive plugin to work. Companion handles authentication with Google, downloads files from the Drive and uploads them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially helpful if they are on a mobile connection.

const GoogleDrive = require('@sme-uploader/google-drive');

uploader.use(GoogleDrive, {
  // Options

Try it live


This plugin is published as the @sme-uploader/google-drive package.

Install from NPM:

npm install @sme-uploader/google-drive

In the CDN package, it is available on the SmeUploader global object:

const GoogleDrive = SmeUploader.GoogleDrive;

Setting Up

To use the Google Drive provider, you need to configure the Google Drive keys that Companion should use. With the standalone Companion server, specify environment variables:

export COMPANION_GOOGLE_KEY="Google Drive OAuth client ID"
export COMPANION_GOOGLE_SECRET="Google Drive OAuth client secret"

When using the Companion Node.js API, configure these options:{
  providerOptions: {
    drive: {
      key: 'Google Drive OAuth client ID',
      secret: 'Google Drive OAuth client secret'

To sign up for API keys, go to the Google Developer Console.

Create a project for your app if you don’t have one yet.

Google will give you an OAuth client ID and client secret. Use them to configure Companion as shown above.


Dashboard plugin is recommended as a container to all Provider plugins, including Google Drive. If you are using Dashboard, it comes with all the necessary styles for Google Drive as well.

⚠️ If you are feeling adventurous, and want to use Google Drive plugin separately, without Dashboard, make sure to include @sme-uploader/provider-views/dist/style.css (or style.min.css) CSS file. This is experimental, not officialy supported and not recommended.


The @sme-uploader/google-drive plugin has the following configurable options:

uploader.use(GoogleDrive, {
  target: Dashboard,
  companionUrl: '',

id: 'GoogleDrive'

A unique identifier for this plugin. It defaults to 'GoogleDrive'.

title: 'Google Drive'

Configures the title / name shown in the UI, for instance, on Dashboard tabs. It defaults to 'Google Drive'.

target: null

DOM element, CSS selector, or plugin to mount the Google Drive provider into. This should normally be the @sme-uploader/dashboard plugin.

companionUrl: null

URL to a Companion instance.

companionHeaders: {}

Custom headers that should be sent along to Companion on every request.

companionAllowedHosts: companionUrl

The valid and authorised URL(s) from which OAuth responses should be accepted.

This value can be a String, a Regex pattern, or an Array of both.

This is useful when you have your Companion running on multiple hosts. Otherwise, the default value should be good enough.

locale: {}

Localize text that is shown to the user.

The default English strings are:

strings: {
  // TODO