Status Bar

The @sme-uploader/status-bar plugin shows upload progress and speed, ETAs, pre- and post-processing information, and allows users to control (pause/resume/cancel) the upload.
It is best used in combination with a simple file source plugin, such as @sme-uploader/file-input or @sme-uploader/drag-drop, or a custom implementation.

const StatusBar = require('@sme-uploader/status-bar')

uploader.use(StatusBar, {
  // Options

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This plugin is published as the @sme-uploader/status-bar package.

Install from NPM:

npm install @sme-uploader/status-bar

In the CDN package, it is available on the SmeUploader global object:

const StatusBar = SmeUploader.StatusBar


The @sme-uploader/status-bar plugin requires the following CSS for styling:

import '@sme-uploader/core/dist/style.css'
import '@sme-uploader/status-bar/dist/style.css'

Import general Core styles from @sme-uploader/core/dist/style.css first, then add the Status Bar styles from @sme-uploader/status-bar/dist/style.css. A minified version is also available as style.min.css at the same path. The way to do import depends on your build system.

⚠️ If you use the @sme-uploader/dashboard plugin, you do not need to include the styles for the Progress Bar, because the Dashboard already includes it.


The @sme-uploader/status-bar plugin has the following configurable options:

uploader.use(StatusBar, {
  id: 'StatusBar',
  target: 'body',
  hideAfterFinish: true,
  showProgressDetails: false,
  hideUploadButton: false,
  hideRetryButton: false,
  hidePauseResumeButton: false,
  hideCancelButton: false,
  locale: {}

id: 'StatusBar'

A unique identifier for this Status Bar. It defaults to 'StatusBar'. Use this if you need to add multiple StatusBar instances.

target: body

DOM element, CSS selector, or plugin to mount the Status Bar into.

hideAfterFinish: true

Hide the Status Bar after the upload is complete.

showProgressDetails: false

By default, progress in the Status Bar is shown as simple percentage. If you would like to also display remaining upload size and time, set this to true.

showProgressDetails: false: Uploading: 45%
showProgressDetails: true: Uploading: 45%・43 MB of 101 MB・8s left

hideUploadButton: false

Hide the upload button. Use this if you are providing a custom upload button somewhere, and using the uploader.upload() API.

hideRetryButton: false

Hide the retry button. Use this if you are providing a custom retry button somewhere, and using the uploader.retryAll() or uploader.retryUpload(fileID) API.

hidePauseResumeButton: false

Hide pause/resume buttons (for resumable uploads, via tus, for example). Use this if you are providing custom cancel or pause/resume buttons somewhere, and using the uploader.pauseResume(fileID) or uploader.removeFile(fileID) API.

hideCancelButton: false

Hide the cancel button. Use this if you are providing a custom retry button somewhere, and using the uploader.cancelAll() API.

locale: {}

Localize text that is shown to the user.

The default English strings are:

strings: {
  // Shown in the status bar while files are being uploaded.
  uploading: 'Uploading',
  // Shown in the status bar once all files have been uploaded.
  complete: 'Complete',
  // Shown in the status bar if an upload failed.
  uploadFailed: 'Upload failed',
  // Shown in the status bar while the upload is paused.
  paused: 'Paused',
  // Used as the label for the button that retries an upload.
  retry: 'Retry',
  // Used as the label for the button that cancels an upload.
  cancel: 'Cancel',
  // Used as the screen reader label for the button that retries an upload.
  retryUpload: 'Retry upload',
  // Used as the screen reader label for the button that pauses an upload.
  pauseUpload: 'Pause upload',
  // Used as the screen reader label for the button that resumes a paused upload.
  resumeUpload: 'Resume upload',
  // Used as the screen reader label for the button that cancels an upload.
  cancelUpload: 'Cancel upload',
  // When `showProgressDetails` is set, shows the number of files that have been fully uploaded so far.
  filesUploadedOfTotal: {
    0: '%{complete} of %{smart_count} file uploaded',
    1: '%{complete} of %{smart_count} files uploaded'
  // When `showProgressDetails` is set, shows the amount of bytes that have been uploaded so far.
  dataUploadedOfTotal: '%{complete} of %{total}',
  // When `showProgressDetails` is set, shows an estimation of how long the upload will take to complete.
  xTimeLeft: '%{time} left',
  // Used as the label for the button that starts an upload.
  uploadXFiles: {
    0: 'Upload %{smart_count} file',
    1: 'Upload %{smart_count} files'
  // Used as the label for the button that starts an upload, if another upload has been started in the past
  // and new files were added later.
  uploadXNewFiles: {
    0: 'Upload +%{smart_count} file',
    1: 'Upload +%{smart_count} files'

replaceTargetContent: false

Remove all children of the target element before mounting the Status Bar. By default, SME Uploader will append any UI to the target DOM element. This is the least dangerous option. However, you may have some fallback HTML inside the target element in case JavaScript or SME Uploader is not available. In that case, you can set replaceTargetContent: true to clear the target before appending.