Custom Stores

This section concerns storing the internal application state, if you work with React/Redux, for example. If none of this rings a bell, you can safely skip this section.

By default, SME Uploader stores its internal state in an object.

If your app uses a state management library such as Redux, it can be useful to have SME Uploader store its state there instead—that way, you could write custom uploader UI components in the same way as the other components in the application.

SME Uploader comes with two state management solutions (stores):

  • @sme-uploader/store-default, a simple object-based store.
  • @sme-uploader/store-redux, a store that uses a key in a Redux store.

There are also some third-party stores:

Using stores

To use a store, pass an instance to the store option in the SME Uploader constructor:

const defaultStore = require('@sme-uploader/store-default');

const uploader = new SmeUploader({
  store: defaultStore()


SME Uploader uses the DefaultStore…by default! You do not need to do anything to use it.
It does not take any options.


The ReduxStore stores SME Uploader state on a key in an existing Redux store.
The ReduxStore dispatches uploader/STATE_UPDATE actions to update state.
When the state in Redux changes, it notifies SME Uploader.
This way, you get most of the benefits of Redux, including support for the Redux Devtools and time traveling!

To use the ReduxStore, add its reducer to the uploader key:

const ReduxStore = require('@sme-uploader/store-redux');
const reducer = combineReducers({
  uploader: ReduxStore.reducer

Then pass a Redux store instance to the SME Uploader constructor:

const { createStore } = require('redux');
const ReduxStore = require('@sme-uploader/store-redux');

const store = createStore(reducer)
const uploader = new SmeUploader({
  store: ReduxStore({
    store: store // That's a lot of stores!

Pass a Redux store instance, from Redux.createStore.
This instance should have the SME Uploader reducer mounted somewhere already.

By default, the ReduxStore assumes SME Uploader state is stored on a state.uploader[id] key.
id is randomly generated by the store constructor, but can be specified by passing an id option if it should be predictable.

  store: store,
  id: 'avatarUpload'


If you’d rather not store the SME Uploader state under the state.uploader key at all, use the selector option to the ReduxStore constructor to tell it where to find state instead:

const uploader = new SmeUploader({
  store: ReduxStore({
    store: store,
    id: 'avatarUpload',
    selector: state => state.pages.profile.uploader.avatarUpload

Note that when specifying a custom selector, you must also specify a custom store ID. The store id tells the reducer in which property it should put SME Uploader’s state. The selector must then take the state from that property. In the example, we set the ID to avatarUpload and take the state from the [reducer mount path].avatarUpload.

If your app uses reselect, its selectors work very well with this!

Implementing Stores

An SME Uploader store is an object with three methods.

  • getState() - Return the current state object.

  • setState(patch) - Merge the object patch into the current state.

  • subscribe(listener) - Call listener whenever the state changes.
    listener is a function that should receive three parameters:
    (prevState, nextState, patch)

    The subscribe() method should return a function that ‘unsubscribes’ (removes) the listener.

The default store implementation, for example, looks a bit like this:

const defaultStore = () => {
  let state = {};
  const listeners = new Set();

  return {
    getState: () => state,
    setState: (patch) => {
      const prevState = state;
      const nextState = Object.assign({}, prevState, patch);

      state = nextState

      listeners.forEach((listener) => {
        listener(prevState, nextState, patch);
    subscribe: (listener) => {
      return () => listeners.remove(listener);

A pattern like this, where users can pass options via a function call if necessary, is recommended.

See the @sme-uploader/store-default package for more inspiration.